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Drill of mine emergency plan
发表时间:2019-12-09     阅读次数:     字体:【

1、 Accident scenario

At the site of mining and loading operation, a slag raking machine is loading waste ore with a mining truck, and an operation supervisor at the site directs the mining and loading operation, and stops a mining truck outside the mining and loading point to wait for loading at the same time. All of a sudden, the rocks on the slope of the mining and loading steps rolled down in the legs of the supervisor, waiting for the loading driver to see the situation and get out of the car in a hurry to rescue the person injured by the rocks. Unexpectedly, they were hit to the arm by a rolling stone block, in critical condition, waiting for rescue.

2、 Nature of accident level

As there are 3 people working on site, the situation is unknown. In order to control the development of the situation and rescue the injured, the emergency rescue plan for safety accidents should be started.

3、 Accident scenario

The drill activities are set with accident alarm, on-site personnel evacuation and alert, emergency rescue, medical aid, danger elimination, on-site recovery and other scenes.

4、 On site disposal

Emergency mobilization, command and control, emergency response, personnel evacuation, personnel rescue, emergency medical service, danger elimination and other links are set up at the drill site.

After the accident, all departments and groups participating in the drill shall carry out emergency rescue drill according to the following procedures and responsibilities.

Drill degree and task division

1、 At 9:30, the first group of mine transportation group entered the exploration field for mining and loading operation. At 9:40, a stone suddenly rolled down, injuring the leg of the monitoring operator. Waiting for the driver of the loading vehicle to get off the vehicle to rescue the injured person, but another stone rolled down to the arm. The driver of the slag raking machine immediately terminated the operation, got off the vehicle for rescue and reported to the team leader in time. The team leader received After arriving at the report (rush to the accident site), immediately report to the mine factory (rush to the accident site), the mine manager immediately orders to issue the accident signal (alarm), requires the personnel and mining equipment to evacuate from the exploration area as soon as possible, at the same time, report to the commander-in-chief and the work safety department, and timely dial 120, the commander-in-chief orders to start the company's emergency rescue plan for safety accidents.

下一篇:Lead to check the safety measures of the tunnel