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China railway construction raises questions on the result of Mexico's cancellation of its high-speed railway bid
发表时间:2019-12-11     阅读次数:     字体:【

Reporter 9 learned: China Railway Construction Co., Ltd. was informed of the news that the Mexican government cancelled the winning of the high-speed rail project in Mexico, immediately launched the emergency plan and raised questions to the Mexican side. The company has formed a team of legal experts to conduct an in-depth assessment of the incident at the legal level, and will safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the enterprise through legal channels if necessary. China Railway Construction said that the cancellation of the bidding result was entirely due to Mexican factors and had nothing to do with enterprises. CRCC is paying close attention to the further development of the incident.

At 13:20 on November 7, Beijing time, CRCC was informed through the media that the Ministry of communications and communications of Mexico announced unilaterally to cancel the bid winning result of the high-speed railway project from Mexico City to cretaro. Mexico's minister of communications and transportation said: the bid document announced to be cancelled was submitted in time and in accordance with the law, but because the president is very sensitive to such a huge project, the move is to remove public doubts. In response, CRCC was shocked, saying that the bidding always complies with the open bidding procedures and requirements of the Mexican government, and the bidding content also complies with the bidding regulations of the Mexican side.

On August 15, Mexico time, the Ministry of communications and transportation of Mexico issued a notice to conduct international public bidding for the high-speed railway project from Mexico City to cretaro. On October 15, CRCC, CSR and four local companies in Mexico submitted their bids on time in accordance with the public works and related services law of Mexico and the bidding documents. During the bid evaluation, MOCOM hired an international consulting company to conduct a strict evaluation on the joint venture bid, and finally obtained 94.4 points (full score of 100 points). On November 3, the Ministry of communications of Mexico announced that the tender submitted by China Railway Construction consortium conforms to the regulations of the Mexican bidding law, determined that the consortium won the bid, and issued the announcement of bidding results, which made a detailed announcement on the bidding and evaluation process and results.

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